Play A Part in City Theatre's 2024 Season
Donate now to help us reach our goal!

Donate now to help us reach our goal!
Your donation makes a huge impact!
Make a contribution today to support our artistic community and ensure our mission remains alive and strong. Your generosity helps City Theatre produce exciting new short plays, fund free community programs, and support local theatre professionals!
Your donation funds:
- Educational programs like SHORT CUTS, a school tour of short plays geared toward students presented for free at Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Miami-Dade Parks Summer Camps, and Miami-Dade Public Libraries.
- Professional opportunities for South Florida actors, playwrights, directors, and designers to produce new work that reflects our vibrant community.
- Community engagement and educational initiatives like HOMEGROWN, a playwright development program created to nurture, elevate, and promote emerging Miami playwrights from historically marginalized communities.
Want to learn more? Contact us at